M&C Group have always sought to make socially conscious investments towards the promotion of development in the area of its operation across the country.
With the charitable nature of the Group, we embark on any Corporate Social Responsibility, taking into account cost effectiveness and maintenance culture and judicious use of facilities.
For this and other reasons, the Group found it expedient and donated a 100-Seater Conference facility to the Accra West Command of the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) to enhance their activity and boost their morale to offer the best in their endeavors.

The facility is to showcase our brand innovation for FRESH PROPERTY JOY, a project designed for FIRST-TIME-HOUSE OWNERSHIP, beautifully made with INTERLOCKING BRICK TECHNOLOGY. It is a really designed AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT.
For the satisfaction of curiosity, visit the premises of Accra West Command of the Bureau of National Investigations which is located at Tesano a suburb of Accra.